Table 16.1. SoftInfo Data Details
Name | Keyword | Description | Examples |
Entry Type | EntryType | Entry Type | |
Name | Name | Name of package/product | |
Software Unique Identification | ID | Unique value which identifies the software. | |
Version | Version | Version | |
Revision | Revision | Revision | |
Description Summary | Description | Description Summary | |
Description Verbose | DescVerbose | Description Verbose | |
URL | URL | Product URL | |
Help URL | URLhelp | Product Help URL | |
Update URL | URLupdate | Product Update URL | |
Entitlement (License) Required? | EntitlementRequired | Indicates wheather an entitlement (license) is required to legally use the software. | |
Legal License Information | License | Information about how the software is licensed. | |
License Key | LicenseKey | License Key (Serial Number) typically issued by software's manufacturer. | |
License/Activiation Status | LicenseStatus | Current License Status. | |
License Status (String) | LicenseStatusStr | License Status (String). | |
Channel Name | ChannelName | Channel Name software targeted for. | |
Channel Type | ChannelType | Channel Type software targeted for. | |
Channel Type (String) | ChannelTypeStr | Channel Type software targeted for. | |
Customer Type | CustomerType | Customer Type software targeted for. | |
Customer Type (String) | CustomerTypeStr | Customer Type software targeted for. | |
Copyright | Copyright | Copyright Message | |
Category Type | CategoryType | Standardized category type. This type will be consistant across platforms. | |
Category | Category | Category is a free-form string which is take directly from the OS/package. This field will vary widely from platform-to-platform. | |
Sub Category | SubCategory | Sub Category entry belongs to. This field will vary widely from platform-to-platform. | |
OS Name | OSname | Operating System Name | |
OS Version | OSversion | Operating System Version | |
Application Architecture | Arch | Application Architecture product runs on | |
Instruction Set Architecture | ISArch | Instruction Set Architecture Product runs on | |
Installation Date | InstDate | Installation Date | |
Installation Date (Time) | InstDateTime | Installation Date (Time) | |
Install Source | InstSource | Installation source | |
Release Date | ReleaseDate | Release Date | |
Release Date (Time) | ReleaseDateTime | Release Date (Time) | |
Build Date | BuildDate | Build Date | |
Build Date (Time) | BuildDateTime | Build Date (Time) | |
Production Stamp | ProdStamp | Production Stamp | |
Base Directory | BaseDir | Base Directory where installed | |
Package Dependencies | PkgDeps | List of packages product depends upon | |
Disk Usage (bytes) | DiskUsage | Disk Usage for product | |
Disk Usage Amount | DiskUsageStr | Disk Usage for product (String) | |
File List | FileList | List of files belong to product | |
Vendor Name | VendorName | Vendor Name | |
Vendor Identification | VendorID | Vendor Identification | |
Vendor Email | VendorEmail | Vendor Email | |
Vendor Phone | VendorPhone | Vendor Phone | |
Vendor Stock | VendorStock | Vendor Stock Number | |