Printer Data Class Attributes

Printer Data Details

Table 12.1. Printer Data Details

Printer Queue NameQueueName of printer queue 
Queue AliasesAliasesList of other names for queue 
DescriptionDescDescription of Printer/Queue 
Vendor NameVendorVendor Name 
Model NameModelModel Name 
Driver DescriptionDriverDescPrinter Driver Description 
LocationLocationPhysical Location 
ProtocolProtocolProtocol used to communicate with printer 
Device FileDeviceDevice File Path 
Server HostnameServerServer Hostname 
Server Canonical HostnameServerCanServer Canonical Hostname 
Server IPv4 AddressServerIPv4Server IPv4 Address 
Server Port NumberServerPortPort number on server for this printer 
Remote QueueRemoteQueueName of Printer Queue on Remote Server 
Printer LanguagesLangsList of Printer Languages Supported 
Spool DirectorySpoolDirSpool Directory for this queue 
Max Job Size (KB)MaxJobSizeMaximum Job Size Allowed (KB)