Table 6.1. Job Data Details
Name | Keyword | Description | Examples |
Job ID | ID | Identifier for a job. | |
Job Name | Name | Name of Job. | |
Job Scheduler Name | SchedulerName | Name of job scheduler used to run and manage this job. | |
Job Scheduler File | SchedulerFile | Path to file job is defined in. | |
Program | Program | The basename of the program being run. | |
ProgramPath | ProgramPath | The full pathname to the program being run. | |
Program Arguments | ProgramArgs | The full list of command arguments used to run the job. | |
Program Command Line | ProgramCmd | The ProgramPath and the full list of command arguments used to run the job. | |
Runtime Directory | RunDir | The directory the job is started from. | |
Owner User Name | OwnerUserName | The username the job is owned/created by. | |
Owner User ID | OwnerUserID | The user identifier the job is owned/created by. | |
Run As User Name | RunAsUserName | The user name that the job runs as. | |
Run As User ID | RunAsUserID | The user identifier that the job runs as. | |
Schedule Type | ScheduleType | The type of schedule the job runs on. | |
Start Date | StartDate | The date the job is scheduled to first run. | |
Start Time | StartTime | The time the job is scheduled to run. | |
End Date | EndDate | The date the job is scheduled to last run. | |
End Time | EndTime | The time the job is scheduled to finish. | |
Months Job Runs | RunMonths | List of numeric months (1-12) that the job runs. | |
Days of Month Job Runs | RunMonthDays | List of numeric days (1-31) of a month that the job runs. | |
Days of Week Job Runs | RunWeekDays | List of days (3 letter abbreviated day names) of a week that the job runs. | |
Hours of Day Job Runs | RunHours | List of numeric hours (0-23 where 0=midnite) of a day that the job runs. | |
Minutes of an Hour Job Runs | RunMinutes | List of numeric minutes (0-59) of an hour that the job runs. | |
Run Every N Days | RunEveryDays | Number of days between repeating interval the job is run. | |
Run Every N Weeks | RunEveryWeeks | Number of weeks between repeating interval the job is run. | |
Run Every N Months | RunEveryMonths | Number of months between repeating interval the job is run. | |
Maximum Time Job | RunMaxTime | Maximum amount of time job is permitted to run. | |
Next Run Time | NextRunTime | The time and date the job will next run. | |
Last Run Time | LastRunTime | The time and date the job last ran. | |
Last Result | LastResult | The result from when the job last ran. | |
Logon Mode | LogonMode | Logon mode the job runs (interactive, background, etc) | |
Power Management | PowerMgmt | Power Management parameters affecting job schedule. | |
Idle Time Conditions | IdleTime | Idle Time parameters control when to run job. | |
Schedule State | SchedState | Scheduled Task State. | |
Status | Status | Status of Job | |
Comment | Comment | Comment on Job usually from job creator. | |