Job Data Class Attributes

Job Data Details

Table 6.1. Job Data Details

Job IDIDIdentifier for a job. 
Job NameNameName of Job. 
Job Scheduler NameSchedulerNameName of job scheduler used to run and manage this job. 
Job Scheduler FileSchedulerFilePath to file job is defined in. 
ProgramProgramThe basename of the program being run. 
ProgramPathProgramPathThe full pathname to the program being run. 
Program ArgumentsProgramArgsThe full list of command arguments used to run the job. 
Program Command LineProgramCmdThe ProgramPath and the full list of command arguments used to run the job. 
Runtime DirectoryRunDirThe directory the job is started from. 
Owner User NameOwnerUserNameThe username the job is owned/created by. 
Owner User IDOwnerUserIDThe user identifier the job is owned/created by. 
Run As User NameRunAsUserNameThe user name that the job runs as. 
Run As User IDRunAsUserIDThe user identifier that the job runs as. 
Schedule TypeScheduleTypeThe type of schedule the job runs on. 
Start DateStartDateThe date the job is scheduled to first run. 
Start TimeStartTimeThe time the job is scheduled to run. 
End DateEndDateThe date the job is scheduled to last run. 
End TimeEndTimeThe time the job is scheduled to finish. 
Months Job RunsRunMonthsList of numeric months (1-12) that the job runs. 
Days of Month Job RunsRunMonthDaysList of numeric days (1-31) of a month that the job runs. 
Days of Week Job RunsRunWeekDaysList of days (3 letter abbreviated day names) of a week that the job runs. 
Hours of Day Job RunsRunHoursList of numeric hours (0-23 where 0=midnite) of a day that the job runs. 
Minutes of an Hour Job RunsRunMinutesList of numeric minutes (0-59) of an hour that the job runs. 
Run Every N DaysRunEveryDaysNumber of days between repeating interval the job is run. 
Run Every N WeeksRunEveryWeeksNumber of weeks between repeating interval the job is run. 
Run Every N MonthsRunEveryMonthsNumber of months between repeating interval the job is run. 
Maximum Time JobRunMaxTimeMaximum amount of time job is permitted to run. 
Next Run TimeNextRunTimeThe time and date the job will next run. 
Last Run TimeLastRunTimeThe time and date the job last ran. 
Last ResultLastResultThe result from when the job last ran. 
Logon ModeLogonModeLogon mode the job runs (interactive, background, etc) 
Power ManagementPowerMgmtPower Management parameters affecting job schedule. 
Idle Time ConditionsIdleTimeIdle Time parameters control when to run job. 
Schedule StateSchedStateScheduled Task State. 
StatusStatusStatus of Job 
CommentCommentComment on Job usually from job creator.