
mcsysinfosid — MagniCompSysInfo™ Databases (SID)


SidDir PathName
Define | Type | StringKey | NumericKey | Value1 | Value 2
Device | Name | Type/[SubType] | NumericID | Model | Description | Flags | DevFiles
Include FileName


SysInfo Database (SID) files contain configuration databases used by MagniComp's SysInfo program mcsysinfo(1) and its APIs. The data is used by SysInfo to interpret and/or acquire data about a system's configuration.

Text starting with # (hash/pound character) and continuing to the end of the line is ignored. Each line starts with a specific keyword as described below. All leading and trailing white space (SPACE and TAB characters) for each field is removed before parsing. All keywords are case insensitive. The valid keywords are:

SidDir PathName

Set the name of the directory to look for SID files in to be PathName. This also sets the value of the ${SidDir} variable available for use with the Include keyword. The default is /opt/sysinfo/lib/sid

Define fields

Definetion. Each field is seperated by a | (vertical pipe) character. Any fields that are not specified are initialized to NULL. The StringKey and/or NumericKey fields are used in matching search criteria. The specification for each field follows:


Specify the definetion type. The following Type values are allowed: CPU, Category, KArch, Kernel, NetType, OBP, Part, SysConf, SysModel, TapeInfo, VPD


A string to use as a key.


A numeric value to use as a key.


A string to return for the entry.


A string to return for the entry.

Device fields

Device specification. Each field is seperated by a | (vertical pipe) character. Any fields that are not specified are initialized to NULL. The specification for each field follows:


The name of the device. ( e.g. sd, cgsix )


The type of device. The Type value is used to determine how to probe the device and what device type label to assign to it. If SubType is specified, then the Type field specifies how to probe the device and the SubType field specifies what device type label to assign. The valid keywords are: Bus, CDROM, CPU, Device, DiskCtlr, DiskDrive, FrameBuffer, Generic, KeyBoard, Memory, NetIF, Pseudo, TapeCtlr, TapeDrive


Specifies a unique numeric identifier for a particuliar device type. This field is typically used to find a device by a numeric value returned from the kernel.


The device's model.


A description of the device.


The Flags field may contain either a valid keyword or a numeric value. Numeric values are used in a device-type specific manner by the device type's probe routine. The valid keywords are:


Use default device definetion information. Usage varies by device type.


Compare device name by length.


Don't add a unit number to the device's name.


If the device is present, treat it as if it were alive regardless of whether the kernel has indicated so.


A list of space seperated device files that provide access to the device. Each file may contain a %d string which will be expanded to be the device's unit number.

Include FileName

Read and parse a SID file called FileName. Parsing of the current file resumes on the next line when finished with FileName. If FileName does not exist, SysInfo will silently continue parsing the current file. FileName may contain variables that are expanded at runtime. Variable names are enclosed inside of ${} or $() and are case insensitive. The following variables are available:


The path to the SysInfo SID directory.


The name of the default SID file ( e.g. Default.sid )


The name of the operating system. ( e.g. SunOS )


The operating system version number. ( e.g. 4.1.3 )


The operating system major version number. ( e.g. for 4.1.3 the value would be 4 )





mcsysinfo(1), mcsysinfoc(3)