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SAN JOSE, CA -- October 19, 2004 -- MagniComp today announced the availability of SysInfo[tm] 5.1 now featuring support for StorSys Professional asset management of Storage Area Network (SAN) and Network Attached Storage (NAS) servers from most major UNIX, Linux, and Mac platforms.
"The storage market continues to grow at a brisk pace," said Michael Cooper, President and CTO of MagniComp. "Our StorSys Professional software enables customers to manage the mountain of storage they are adding to their data centers."
Most host based asset management software cannot detect the presence of a SAN or NAS server. With the StorSys Professional addon to SysInfo, customers can not only discover their SAN and NAS servers, but gain in-depth knowledge down to each disk drive and controller card manufacturer, model, and serial number. Data is reported via SysInfo's standard complement of command line, graphical, and program parsable interfaces.Other new features introduced in this release include support for Novell's SuSe line of Linux operating systems, Linux on 64-bit AMD64 and Intel EM64T, Linux on Itanium-2, HP-UX on Itanium-2, Veritas Volume Manager, and user defined site information.
MagniComp's products are used directly by the worlds top companies ranging from the technology industry to worldwide financial institutions based in New York, London, Germany, and Switzerland. MagniComp products are also embedded in a broad range of products including the top enterprise network management software products and as a key diagnostic and support tool in the world's premier document printing solutions.
MagniComp is a privately held, profitable company based in San Jose, California, USA. For more information please visit www.magnicomp.com.